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Aerial View of Orchard

Blog & News

Bill Laswell

Harvest -- Its the most wonderful time of the year

There is nothing like fresh ripe fruit. It is one of the greatest signatures of summer. Our passion, our story, begins with the fruit harvest of summer and it's the most wonderful (busiest) time of the year.

Yes, our fruit vinegars begin in a fruit orchard. This fruit, with time and care, becomes fruit cider. And, with time and care, becomes fruit vinegar. So, why would you take these exotic ciders and turn them into vinegar? The answer is because we have tasted what the vinegars can do to virtually every culinary experience you can create.

Like many wineries and cidreries, we'resmall and purchase our fruit from growers. Our planning began last season, working with the orchards who supply our fruit. We desire fruit that is RIPE and sweet. Beauty and size are secondary for us. Are they high quality, ripe and sweet? That is our sweet spot (pun intended).

When you prefer ripe fruit, Three things happen to you. A) your schedule is now being dictated by nature. That's right, rain, sunshine, and temperature will make all your scheduling decisions for you. B) Transportation: on relatively short notice, the fruit says "NOW, I'm ready". The fruit must now be picked up by us, transported by us, and delivered to us. This requires thousands of miles of travel in July and August. C) All fruit must then be processed immediately upon arrival. Because the fruit is ripe, there is no stopping till we are done. Welcome to harvest.

We will be sharing with you an inside view of the harvest in our world of hand crafted fruit vinegars. You will find our harvest is hands-on and labor intensive, but the flavors created have become a passion for us. Our season begins earlier in the year making decisions about pounds of fruit needed and ongoing contact with our growers. Our story begins. Stay tuned.

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